Lithuanian Toys and Souvenirs Association

The association was created to unite the two major branches of activities:

* Toys, board games, teaching aids, playground, sports equipment, bicycles, children's literature, textbooks
* Children's products, clothing, baby goods, prams, food for infants and children
* Souvenirs, gifts, artistic and traditional handicraft products, souvenirs and corporate gifts, home accessories
* Leisure services for children and family, artistic and traditional crafts schools, museums and amusement parks for children, theater
* Business, serving these industries

Covered a range of selected business activities, taking into account the structure of the Lithuanian economy, firms active firms size, of their goods and services export opportunities, the direct and indirect investments. The association is made without reference to the principle division in strict branches, unifying factor is their target customer groups. It is expected that such an approach, being quite non-traditional, will effectively support operations of  the association and its members.


Lithuanian Toys and Souvenirs Association
Levo Karsavino g. 4-10
LT-10228 Vilnius

Phone +370 698 30831
Fax +370 5 2313 743
E-mail This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

News from branch companies

in Lithuanian only


2024.06.19 - - Gražiausio Europos pašto ženklo konkurse Lietuvai atstovauja plačiažnyplis vėžys

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Šių metų pavasarį pasirodęs lietuviškas pašto ženklas su plačiažnypliu vėžiu gali tapti gražiausiu visos Europos pašto ženklu, dedikuotu Senojo žemyno povandeninei faunai ir florai.


2024.06.17 - - Besiruošiantiems į Legolendą: su 3 dukromis jį aplankiusi Lina pasidalijo praktiniais patarimais – kaip sutaupyti ir kaip išvengti eilių

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Danijoje įsikūręs didžiausias pasaulyje Legolendas – svajonių kelionė ne tik vaikams, bet ir su lego kaladėlėmis augusiems tėvams.